Professional Development Award in Managing Self and Others
This course in Managing Self and Others offers you the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills in self-management and working with people. You will be able to develop a personal development plan which could be the basis of development throughout your career. This should place you and your employer in a strong position to cope with the demands that a changing economy places on organisations.
How will this course benefit me
This course will:
- Provide you with the skills and knowledge to be able to operate successfully in a first line management position
- Focus on two of the fundamental areas of managerial work — managing yourself and managing others
- Enable you to identify the importance of self-management, self-knowledge and self-understanding in your current line of work
- Enable you to recognise and evaluate your personal resources and professional development opportunities by implementing and evaluating a personal development plan
- Enable you to develop skills in building positive relationships with colleagues and others in organisations
- Enable you to utilise key management principles such as performance management and coaching in complex situations where managers have to operate
- Enable you to gain accredited qualification and an ideal CPD recognition