The HNC in Management and Leadership is designed for candidates who want to enhance their career and enter into management and leadership roles in a wide range of organisations. It is also intended for experienced managers and/or leaders seeking a nationally/internationally recognised qualification.
These are to:
- develop a range of operational management and leadership competences required by employers of those engaged in or aspiring to managerial positions
- enhance employment opportunities in operational management roles
- utilise personal and teamwork competences for effective self-performance and the performance of the team and organisation
- apply leadership skills in a range of management activities
- respond to the environment in which the organisation operates
- provide suitable strategic competences for future career and personal development in the performance of managerial duties
- use strategic management and leadership skills for the long term direction of an organisation in a range of management functions
- progress to further studies and professional qualifications in management or related disciplines
- provide pathways to higher education programmes in Management and related subjects such as Business
HNC in Management and Leadership are suitable for a wide range of candidates including:
- adult returners to education
- candidates employed in management positions who wish to enhance their career prospects
- candidates who are aspirant managers and wish to move into a management position
The units for this programme have been selected to offer learners the best opportunities for progression, both academically and professionally.
- Developing Self-Management Skills
- Leadership at Work
- Plan, Lead and Implement Change
- Managing and Working with People
- Manage Operational Resources
- Creating a Culture of Customer Care
- Management and Leadership: Graded Unit 1
- Managing People
- Marketing: An Introduction
A mix of assessments will be used – formal reports, presentations, research project, and examinations based upon a previously seen case study.